Statement from the Chief Public Health Officer of Canada on February 28, 2021

As we continue to follow public health advice and limit our outings to keep everyone safer, we should not let that extend to the health visits that are necessary for maintaining our wellbeing now and into the future. Now, as ever, it is important to seek timely care for urgent medical concerns as well as to maintain prevention and wellness visits. Health and social service providers have put in place a range of safety measures to ensure everything from routine vaccinations, dental care, and screening procedures to mental health, chronic disease management and other health and well-being supports can be addressed safely. This includes a range of COVID-19 safety measures, such as staggered appointments, physical distancing, mask mandates and virtual appointments where possible. Limiting the overall health impacts of COVID-19 means we must maintain regular appointments and not delay reaching out for health, mental health and substance use supports for ourselves and our loved ones. All of these medical visits are essential outings – please do not delay!

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